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BLOG POST 06/23/2020

This is probably one of the most common questions that I get, so I thought it was high time to make a video about it. Your twin flame is married. "What should I do and will we ever be together?" Now of course, I’m going to give you the obvious disclaimer right out of the gates, which is, don’t be a homewrecker. But let’s look at it from a different perspective. You shouldn’t be thinking along those lines anyway because if you are, you’re out of alignment with your true eternal divine nature which is already whole and complete. You’re buying into the lie (you’re drinking the Kool-Aid) that there is something out there (that you have to cajole and manipulate) to bring into your reality so that you can be complete. No, you’re putting out a signal of desperate incompleteness (which is a state of resistance to completeness) and you will only attract more of the same.

So don’t “physically” interfere with other people’s sacred vows which are between themselves and God. Even if that not your view, it was or possibly still is their view on some level and that’s a contract that you don’t want to actively try to break.

WHAT CAN YOU DO? We have to go back to the basic reason for a twin flame connection in the first place. The twin flame connection is primarily for a spiritual awakening of the twins, the longevity of the twin flame relationship is secondary. Now before you click away, I know that wasn’t the bubble gum, rainbows and riding off into the sunset answer your were looking for, but hear me out because you can use this to your advantage to help bring about the twin flame reunion. If you can take the relationship off the pedestal and stop looking at it as the holy grail. Instead, if you can put coming into your own spiritual authenticity and blossoming into your true divine all-powerful self, then the relationship 9 times out of 10 will happen naturally on its own.  Why? Because your vibration of self-love, self-divinity, wholeness and completeness acts like a tractor beam to the other half of your soul (your twin).

And that deep “inner”standing that you would’ve gained about your own resiliency and spiritual fortitude that is going to be so much more valuable to you down the road whenever you encounter any challenges in your life. Because you realize (through experience) that you’re indestructible and that you can rise again, no matter what. And when that’s the frequency or vibration you’re emitting, that may cause your twin flame take action.

WHAT ACTION ARE WE LOOKING FOR FROM YOUR TWIN FLAME? -Divorce! Listen, here’s another hard truth that you really need to understand: If your twin really loves you, he/she will take action and get a divorce. If they don’t, then their excuses are stronger than your perception of their love for you (repeat that to yourself). Love is most powerful action-causing emotion or force. Wars have been started over love. People have killed themselves over love.  People have faced public ridicule and hate in the name of love. You mean to tell me a marriage where your twin flame no longer loves their current spouse is stronger than their true twin flame love for you? I don't think so. Actions always speak louder than words.

So if your twin flame is not taking that action and divorcing or separating, you need to reexamine if this is a one-sided love. If you put yourself in their shoes, you would probably say in New York minute that you’d get a divorce if the tables were turned. So if you have a twin flame that is doing a lot of talking but no action, this is a great opportunity to have an open discussion with this person as to whether they’re even on the same page as you. You need to ask :do they see YOU as they twin flame? Are they ready to marry you? (if marriage is a part of your belief system). Are they wanting to have kids with you (if having is something you want). These are the kind of questions that will make a false twin flame go into the witness protection program, quick. And test it out whether or not they’re telling you what you want to hear just so that they can keep having sex with you (if that’s the situation). If you cut off the sex and they disappear, they you know that’s what it was all about from the beginning. Or if you cut off the sex and they show with signed divorce papers in their hand, then you know they’re in love with you and also view you as their twin flame.

I know some of this can sound harsh, but I don’t want you guys wasting your time out there with false twin falmes because there is so much FOMO going around about twin flames this and twain flames that. A lot of people are trying to make someone a twin flame when they’re not really your twin flame. Just remember that can't make someone the other half of your soul. Too often, we meet someone and get the "feels", then try to throw them into this twin flame box (it doesn't work that way fam!).



BLOG POST 06/18/2020

This is going to be the first part of a two or probably three part series on Shadow Work. Shadow work is one of the most important practices we can have on the spiritual path because it causes us to face that which has been suppressed, in order to heal it and loosen the tether it has on our ascension into the higher levels of consciousness.

First, we need to get over the initial connotations that pop into our mind when we hear the word “shadow”, this concept that dark is bad or evil. If a plant stayed in the sunlight 24 hours a day with no reprieve from the sun, it would burn up and die. The plant needs to rest and rejuvenate half of that 24 hour period without the sunlight. Look at the yin-yang dynamic, the dark side is equally as important as the light side.  Look at how important the moon is to our tides. Without the nighttime or the darkness of space, you could never see the beauty of the stars. So let’s change our belief system about dark being evil. It’s not, it’s just the other side of light in a Universe of perfect balance.

Now, for those of you already familiar with shadow work, please don’t assume that shadow work only heals childhood trauma and pain. There can be some very good aspects and attributes of yourself hidden in your shadow (your subconscious), but you suppressed them because of your own perception of whether those attributes were acceptable based on the household in which you grow up.

So, the shadow aspect is simply anything you perceived as not welcomed in your household which you suppressed in exchange to receive love and the essentials of survival (acceptance, food and shelter). And remember, the ego is in charge of survival, so by suppressing certain aspects of yourself, the ego thought it was making the best decision at the time in the name of survival.

The term "shadow work" was coined by the great psychologist Carl Jung. In a nutshell, he stated that thoughts we are aware of reside in our conscious mind. We can see them; they are in the light. Thoughts that we are not aware of are in our subconscious mind, or in our shadow. Obviously, it’s easier to change a thought or believe that is in our awareness or in the light of our consciousness. However, it’s our subconscious thoughts that have the biggest impact on our actions and decisions, and therefore the reality which we experience.

There are also some scientists that believe the subconscious is actually housed in our heart. If you’re familiar with Gregg Braden or Dr. Bruce Lipton’s work with the heart-math institution, they teach that the heart is our "second brain" and that our heart connects directly to the quantum field. You can see the congruency here where our heart is synonymous with our subconscious connecting to the quantum field, which then dictates the physical reality we experience.  I’ll link some videos below on Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton’s work.

So now that you have a deeper understanding of what the shadow aspect of our make up actually is, does it make sense to wage war against our shadow side? Of course not, because we would be waging war against our heart, against our subconscious. I believe it’s vital that we do the exact opposite, and celebrate and honor our subconscious, our heart, because these are the aspects that control the reality which we experience. If we waged war against our heart, subconscious we would be practicing self-hate because obviously that’s a part of us.  This is the same concept as trying to make an enemy out of and get rid of your ego, which I go into great detail in my video here “Ego: good or bad” So if you struggle with ego, go watch that video here...

We need to shine the light of consciousness on those beliefs housed in our subconscious, shed some light on that shadow. Yes, this is going to mean facing any obvious childhood trauma, which does mean that your mind will relive those experiences, throwing you into fight or flight as if it were really happening all over again in the present moment. You’ll probably get an adrenaline rush and a cortisol release, but these past experiences must be raised in vibration, which means healed and integrated into the light of the conscious mind with love and appreciation.

In addition, you will also uncover the attributes that now as an adult, you would consider “good”. Maybe there are warrior characteristics like courage, speaking your truth, motivation, drive, determination, the fearlessness to dream and go after those dreams, maybe the courage you need to stand up to a bully in your life is who you actually are, but standing your ground as a child was looked down upon, and so you suppressed it to gain acceptance by household, but now you need that true identity.

Quick recap, light and dark are not good and bad, they are simply “aware” and “unaware." You can be unaware of many great things about yourself that are hidden in your shadow. Your shadow tracts reside in your subconscious or in what Gregg Braden refers to as the “little brain” , which is your heart. And of course, we would never wage war against our own heart, right? So let’s look at shadow work as a positive thing where we’re going to raise the vibration of what is holding us back and we may just discover some hidden treasures which may be the attributes may need to bring into the light of the conscious mind, so that we can bust through that barrier to our greatest version.

Namaste Light Fam:)


BLOG POST 06/13/2020

Don't lose the lessons from being blindsided by the scamdempic. In this video, I break down 3 lessons we all can use to our advantage right now to bring our greatest version into our present reality. Sometimes, it takes a "tower moment" in our lives to make us rethink the trajectory of our life. So, before everything reopens and that temptation to fall back into a comfort zone which was not serving your highest good starts to call you back to the familiar, break the old program and rewrite a new timeline for which your future-self can be grateful.

Lesson 1) Appreciate the Mundane. A lot of times, we’re so driven to achieve this ideal future we have in our minds, that we don’t stop and acknowledge the value, importance, necessity and magic in what we already have. It’s not until we lose the freedom of going outside, that we realize just how important those simple walks out in nature, a bike ride or going to the beach actually were for our mental health and our spirit. It’s not until the usual night out with friends is taken away, that we realize how important it is to let loose and just live in the moment. It’s not until we lose that job that we were hating at the time, that now makes us grateful we had a job and were making ends meet. One of the things The Great Awakening is very good at doing, is making us extremely uncomfortable.

So what is the big take away from all of this? “Stop and smell the roses.” Live in the present moment, being grateful for everything in your life, no matter how seemingly small or insignificant. One of the first things giving gratitude will do, is center you in the present moment. All of your power is in the “now” moment. If you have anxiety, you’re probably thinking about the future. Counting your blessings returns your anxious mind back to the present moment and takes inventory of all the wonderful blessings that you have in your life right now. Being grateful for what you have in the present moment, puts your brain in the receiving or allowing mode and that previous state of resistance (which was caused by anxiety) is released and your mind gets into the creative mode. The creative mode is a portion or section of what is known as the “flow state”, where your mind creates solutions. Your mind can now see a multitude of possible opportunities which can be cultivated and nurtured through cooperation and new alliances. When you’re not in survival mode, you’re much more in alignment with cooperation, partnerships and alliances etc.

Lesson 2) Do not spend another day doing what doesn’t give you joy. Whether it be a career which is not your passion or a relationship that is no longer for your highest good, quarantine should’ve taught us that life is short. Things can change suddenly and unexpectedly, so why waste another day not doing what you love? This is what The Great Awakening is all about, it’s about pushing you out of the nest, out of your comfort zone and forcing you to follow your passion.

I heard Jim Carey tell a story of his father, where he said “my father wanted to be a comedian, but he wasn’t sure how he could feed his family as a comedian. So he decided to play it safe and take a job as an accountant. And after 20 years as an accountant, they fired him." At that point, Jim Carey realized that you can still lose even if you take the safe route, so you might as well as go after your dreams. And if that revelation wouldn't have hit Jim Carey, the world might not have ever known one of the most iconic comedians of all time.

So, what dreams do you have in your heart that you’re denying the world (or at least your loved ones) the pleasure on its birth and unfoldment? I believe life in quarantine was a wake-up call of just how fragile things in our life are that we consider to be “safe”. If it’s just that easy for that corporate job to lay you off, then you might as well take the risk of getting laid off from your dreams rather than getting laid off from something that may not have been your greatest purpose in the first place.

Lesson 3) Start Now. For many of you, quarantine has forced you to take immediate action to figure out how to start a business from home. You never know what you can do, until “doing” becomes your only option. Many of you have reached out to me telling me how you put those action steps into play and then things snow-balled. You got that momentum and now you’re doing the work that you’re actually passionate about from home. Living our life’s passion is a core component of shifting into 5D consciousness, because you’re living authentically. That’s what The Great Awakening is all about, living your authentic truth.

So why did we procrastinate for so long without taking those action steps before we were forced to take those action steps? Because the egoic mind (in charge of survival) jumps in and says “hey, we’ve got bills to pay” “what you want to do is saturated and takes too long to start bringing in money " "you don’t have advertising dollars, what are you thinking." "Just stay where you are, at least you’re paying the bills” And we listen to the ego because we’re safe in our comfort zone. But we’ve all heard the clichés about how your greatest version is outside of your comfort zone. On the other side of fear is freedom. Then after we take those action steps, we look back and realize that we could’ve taken those baby steps a long time ago, so quarantine should’ve taught us to not procrastinate and just do it.

When you take those baby steps, the Universe will match your efforts times five!! Remember, the Universe has a vested interest in you becoming your greatest version. The Universe can expand and express Itself to a greater degree through you when you are your highest and best version. Sorry for all the cliches, but the only thing to fear is fear itself.

So whenever you have an idea, understand that that idea may be divine insight from your Higher-Self, your spirit guides or your ancestral guides. As I’ve said before “Source is never wrong” …so if you can't fail, take action! Even if they’re baby steps, watch the universe get that momentum rolling for you to bring your greatest version into the present moment.

Namaste Light Fam:)


BLOG POST 06/09/2020

If you’ve been watching my videos, you’ll know that I talk about how the great awakening is bringing to light all the dense 3D structures and paradigms that no longer serve us and which are that are stagnate. The Great Awakening brings the shadows of the collective to the surface so that they can be burned away and purged so we can shift from 3D consciousness to 5d consciousness. This purging process is done through chaos. So how do you stay on the spiritual path, raise our vibration, remain centered and grounded in your spiritual fortitude during that chaotic purging process of The Great Awakening? Keep reading to find out:)

STEP 1) Filter “outside” Information- energy flows where attention goes. What you focus on grows. I’ve said it a millions times in previous videos, turn off the news. If you want to know how to get out of the matrix, stop listening to the representative of the matrix,which is the news.  Any social manipulation is going to come from the fear-based news, as well as Hollywood and social media. Now of course, you want to be aware of the things that you actually want to change such as racism. So, focus on the peaceful aspect of activism, not the violence, rioting and looting (which there is much more to that than what the news wants you to know, but I won’t go into that here). But turning off the news will raise your vibration instantly. Remember, The Great Awakening is about creating your own reality and you can’t create the reality you want if you’re focused on what you don’t want.

STEP 2) Meditate! Meditation is the most important practice for spiritual growth and it is essential for taking the ego out of the driver’s seat so you can shift from 3D consciousness to 5D consciousness. If you don’t have a good meditative practice already, watch my video here “how to meditate for beginners”. But the point of meditation is to bring you back into alignment with your true eternal divine identity of absolute love, absolute abundance, absolute health, absolute power. Meditation helps you remember what you actually are, which in turn gets your perceived self-identity in alignment your divine identity. And you’ve heard me say in previous videos, "it’s your perceived self-identity that creates the reality you experience." So The Great Awakening is about living your authentic divine identity.

STEP 3) Count your blessings. This of course falls under the category of gratitude. Gratitude carries a vibrational frequency right up there with love and joy. Gratitude puts you in a state of peaceful allowing, a state of receiving. Gratitude puts you in what’s called the “flow state”. Gratitude releases endorphins, serotonin and oxytocin, the “feel good” chemicals which is not only great for your health and immune system, but it also promotes anti-aging. When you count your blessings, when you count things for which to be grateful, or you count things that give you joy and love or an avenue for you to give love, you’re simultaneously telling your logical brain “everything is already, there’s nothing to worry about.” Your logical brain then stops listening to the lies of the ego which always has some fake news about what to fear and what you should be worried about. You then get out of that survival mode of fight or flight, which then stops that IV drip of cortisol and your body returns to homeostasis.

In conclusion, reality is subjective, not objective. Filter the information to which you're giving your attention, meditate to align with your divine attributes so that you experience those divine attributes in your physical experience and finally count your blessings to get in that state of gratitude. When you get in that "flow state", reverse that aging, get your fix of feel good chemicals, you will be able to hold your high vibration and be an example and a light for those looking for guidance and support to help them through the chaotic purging phase of The Great Awakening.

Namaste Light Fam:)


BLOG POST 6/02/2020

I posed a question on Instagram a few days ago asking "what is your biggest struggle with spirituality?" The common theme was "how to stay spiritually grounded in light of everything going on, especially in light of the recent injustice of police brutality." So let’s dive into that now....

The innocent death of George Floyd is center stage right now and many in the Light Ways Community are having a hard time staying spiritually grounded and holding their vibration in the face of this heinous crime. My take on one way to respond spiritually begins by understanding that this only happens when out of alignment humans are controlled by their ego. Only the ego can do the type of things that are happening in the world right now. If more humans understood their true eternal divine identity, they could never even think of perpetrating these types of injustices because they would see themselves in the other person. The Great Awakening and 5D consciousnesses are about unity consciousness. You can’t harm someone else if you see them as yourself. Only the ego sees division and believes the illusion of duality and then acts accordingly in fear. Love and fear, those are the two components of the yin and yang dynamic. You may say what is happening has to do with hate, but hate is a subcategory of fear.

Remember The Great Awakening is all about bringing to light the shadow aspects of the collective.  The 3D paradigms of fear, anger and separatism have to be brought to light in the public eye of the collective so that it can be burned away. Why, because it can’t be taken with us into a higher level of consciousness.

So again, if we approach things with the divine mirror aspect, we have to ask ourselves “where in my life am I believing that I am separate from someone else?” “who am I resenting?” “Who am I fearing?” “Who am I believing can take something away from me or my life or my way of living?” “To whom in my life am I being unjust” “What am I unjustly killing in my life? Is it the dreams in my heart? Is it my health? Is it a relationship with someone that loves me unconditionally over something stupid that happened years ago? Am I unjustly killing my greatest version by hanging on the 3D concepts of fear, anger and duality?” “am I unjustly killing the life that I deserve by not believing am worthy enough?”

Remember, the The Great Awakening is about bringing a better structure out of the chaos and destruction of the old structure. So one of the best things we can do spiritually in the face of injustice is look at the correlation of the injustice in our own lives and heal that exact correlation. The more of the collective that is able to heal those lower vibrational shadow aspects of fear, anger and separatism, the closer the collective consciousness gets to unity consciousness. The closer the collective is to unity consciousness, the rarer that injustices will become because many more people will see themselves in their fellow human being.

I believe this is a great way to honor the lives lost to injustice, so that those lives weren’t lost in vain. If we can use that injustice to burn away the fear, anger, hate and separatism at any level in our own lives, then those lives lost to injustice were not lost in vain.

Remember The Great Awakening is about the collective consciousness moving toward unity consciousness. But what makes up the collective consciousness?? Us!  It all starts on an individual level. We all have to take responsibility for our own beliefs systems and raise the vibration of whatever we’re holding onto that we know deep down isn’t in alignment with divinity. This is one of the most powerful things about The Great Awakening, it will show you in stark contrast what needs to be healed in your own life.

When more of us come into alignment with our true divine identity, that is when we come into our true power. When we come into our true power, that is when the few will no longer have control over the many. It’s not the immediate swift justice that we all want, but remember The Great Awakening has been in the works culminating for the past 10 years at least, so it’s the long term process that is going to lay down a more permanent long term solution.

I hope this blog and video helped give you a spiritual aspect about how to deal with injustice. Of course, if you feel called to PEACEFUL action, then by all means. But these people that are looting and rioting, they’re just fighting violence with violence, negativity with negativity. And Martin Luther King Jr. once said “you can’t drive out the darkness with darkness, only light can do that do."

Namaste Light Fam.


BLOG POST 5/30/2020

I get a lot of questions regarding “is this person my twin flame?” So let's dive into one of the most common "love" questions now. You can also watch the full YouTube video here

So, "is this person my twin flame?" The million dollar questions. And you’ve got to understand that when we’re talking about the other half of your soul, this is not a question that you need to ask logically. There is no mistaking when someone is your twin flame. Instead, ask yourself does my soul yearn for this person, would I die for this person, do I get gut -wrenching emotional dreams where I’m crying in the dream over this person, does my soul feel like it’s come home to rest when I’m with this person, could I die peacefully in this person’s arms etc etc. These are not questions that you need to logically ask, these are answers you simply feel deep in your soul.

I know the term twin flame has been a buzz term that everyone is searching for if they don’t feel like they have it, but the problem with the "fear of missing out" mindset, is you start to ask if everyone and anyone you meet is your twin flame and then we get into this pattern of trying to label everyone, "well this is a twin flame", "this is false twin flame", "no this person here is a karmic twin flame" etc. It really gets out of hand quickly because the egoic mind, which is in charge of survival, is just trying to protect you, but the ego is actually doing more harm than good.

I’m here to tell you, take a deep breath and approach everything with a white unpainted canvas. Let the mutual energy, the person’s actions, and your intuition or your gut (remember your gut is the loud speaker of your Higher Self) paint on that white canvas for you. Get your logical, analytical mind out of the way. The twin flame connection is not a logical thing. For example, there are situations where logically it would make no sense for two people which come from families with different opposing religious backgrounds where it’s strictly forbidden in their culture to be together. But they’re twin flames and madly in love which transcends man’s nonsensical limiting rules and restrictions. So get your questioning analytical mind out of the way and allow your soul to give you the answers.

Now, you can meet someone and it feels like you’ve known them for forever. Everything flows easily, you feel like you can be yourself around them, which is great. This could possibly mean it’s a twin flame connection, but it could also be a soul mate. A soul mate is someone from your soul family that you’ve probably spent one or several past lives together. For example, this person may have been your little sister in a previous life and your father in a life before that. Or maybe you and this person are simply very close in energetic vibration. Remember, opposing vibrational frequencies can’t share the same space, so the closer you are in energetic resonance, the easier it is to share the same space, so it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a twin flame.

Conclusion, don’t try to fit everyone is this "twin flame box" for fear of missing out. Energy and divine timing can’t be forced. Say this to yourself three times "Energy and Divine timing can't be forced."

Go within during meditation, do the inner work on self-identifying as whole and complete, then you’ll be a vibrational match for the same. So essentially, do the inner work and trust the process. Namaste Light Fam!:)

STOP WAITING FOR NORMAL (How to be present)

BLOG POST 5/26/2020

The popular life during quarantine phrase is "waiting for things to get back to normal." And to that I say “stop waiting?” Why stop waiting? Because of all of your power is in the "now" moment. Now, we talk about The Great Awakening and 5D consciousness a lot on this channel. As a matter of fact, I would say The Great Awakening and 5D consciousness is one of the main themes of this channel. So you should’ve gathered by this point if you’ve seen any of my videos that, The Great Awakening is all about taking ACTION.

Let’s dive a little bit deeper and ask “what did life DURING quarantine teach us?” We quickly realize that if we’re just waiting on life AFTER quarantine, and we don’t look for the lesson of life DURING quarantine, then we’ve kind of failed. We’ve kind of lost at the game if we didn’t take away the lesson from life during quarantine

Consider this, when you’re waiting for things to get back to normal, you’re just training your brain to always put your happiness off into the future, into "someday" and I’ve checked all 7 days, at least 2 or 3 times now and I still can’t find “someday” on the calendar. All of your power is in the now moment. Stop waiting to be happy, stop waiting to be generous, stop waiting to be healthy, stop waiting to start that business, stop waiting to ask that person out. You’ve got to learn how to live in the present moment seo. So how do we be present? How do we live in the present moment? GRATITUDE!

Remember, The Great Awakening and the 5D shift into 5D consciousness is all about taking action. So do me a favor, I want you to stop waiting and take action, make a list of 10 things for which you’re grateful. This will immediately snap you back into the present moment. When you’re grounded in gratitude in the present moment, you’re now in the receiving and allowing mode. You have just vibrationally tuned your life to the station of experiencing more things for which to be grateful. When you put things off until "someday" when this whole thing is back to normal, you just stole the joy, stole the life and stole the magic out of this day of this "now moment." What a crime, don’t do that.

Now, once you’re living in the present moment, you regain all your power. All your power and all your possibilities exist NOW in the present moment. All potential parallel realities exist right now in the present moment. That business that fulfills your heart and helps raise the collective into 5D consciousness exists right now. The healthy body you want exist now right in the present moment. That loving fulfilling relationship you want exists right now in the present moment. But to experience them, you’ve got to be a vibrational match to those timelines right now in the present moment, not somewhere off in the future.

So center yourself in the present moment through gratitude and start taking action towards the timeline that you want to experience. Stop waiting, take action and you will make life during quarantine just as good or possibly better than life after quarantine.


One of the downloads I received from the other side of the veil in relation to what’s happening in the world right now and more specifically how it relates to the big question on a lot of people’s mind’s that is “why”, why is this happening? The word that came through from Source consciousness was “stagnation”. This thing that is happening in the world right now has to do with “stagnation”, it is meant to remove or unstuck the things that are stuck, stationary, stagnate, dense or old. Watch the full video here:

This thing that is happening around the world, it is about movement, movement forward and expansion. The purpose behind divine consciousness is expansion. You can liken it to a software upgrade on your computer. The inefficient gunk that was slowing down your computer is being cleaned up, cookies and caches are being deleted, so that you have a leaner more efficient running system. Now, this will be on a global scale as well as a personal scale. This thing that is happening may be causing you to stop and question the direction of your life. Is there gunk on your energetic hard drive that is slowing down your “soul computer?” Is the direction of your life in alignment with your heart? When the world was running at full speed, maybe you were so distracted staying in that loop of work, come home watch TV, go to bed and then go to work again, that you didn’t have time to stop and ask “why is your heart not fulfilled?”  I believe The Great Awakening can also be looked at as THE GREAT EVALUATING for your life.

Remember, the theme for The Great Awakening is getting rid of stagnation, so NOW IS THE TIME to evaluate what is stagnate in your life. Instead of complaining about quarantine and trying to fill that time with meaningless nonsense to simply pass the time while you wait on lock down to be over (so that you can go back to what may not have been fulfilling you in the first place) Let me ask you, if you were unfilled,why are you just waiting to go back to being unfilled? Because it’s familiar, because it’s your comfort zone. If you only do what is familiar or stay in your comfort zone, you’re just going to get more of the same. So why not use The Great Awakening to GREATLY EVALUATE what is stagnate in your life? Sit down and take honest stock of what truly fulfills you and BE HONEST. Don’t be reluctant to get something out of your life just because of sentimental reasons. What is not working for you? What doesn’t make you feel good? What doesn’t raise your vibration? What doesn’t empower you? Is it a relationship? Is it a dogmatic religion? Is it a career that your parents chose for you but your heart is not in it? Is it a political party that you were raised with but now see they’re not what you were raised to believe they were?  What have you been procrastinating about? The Great Awakening is about dislodging and uprooting that stagnation which is holding your life back. And evaluating this aspect of your life will give you a vision, idea or image of what you want your future to look like. And once you have that vision of your future, it almost becomes like a navigation system leading you to that vision. And now The Great Awakening becomes waking up to a NEW VISION for your life.

When this whole thing happened, many people were in shock, which was only exacerbated by the fear-based news media. When you’re in shock, when you’re fight or flight, you’re not thinking logically. You’re only thinking survival. You’re looking at the situation with the reptilian portion of your brain, which is survival. However, it’s been a couple of months now, hopefully the shock and fear has worn off, if it hasn’t then turn off the damn news. Now that you’re not in fight or flight, you can center yourself, align yourself with omnipresent wisdom and ask for insight. You can literally sit in meditation and get into that deep quiet state where the monkey mind is completely silenced and ask “what is no longer serving me?” And now that you’re out of fight or flight, you’re more adept at taking an honest look at what’s not working, what doesn’t fulfill your heart, what you know deep down is truly holding you back.

And I would advise that whatever thought comes through, you should act on removing that stagnation because Source is never wrong. Now, this is not me saying to run out and get a divorce if your marriage is the first thing that pops into your mind, no. But if that is the first thing that popped into your mind, maybe it’s time for some honest and open communication with your partner, instead of just your daily routine. Communicate, maybe go to counseling if need be etc. But the point is that you need to either raise the vibration of what is not working or stagnate in your life, or remove it from your life completely. I believe this is what the great awakening is all about, it’s about the great evaluating of your life so that you can clearly see the great visioning of your life

Of course this also happening on the world stage, but remember the world you experience in the physical is your divine mirror. So that means the sooner YOU start removing and replacing stagnation and things that don’t work anymore with better in your life, the sooner the global stage will mirror back to you that the old systems of stagnation and denser structures, systems and paradigms are being removed, so that there is a great forward movement for the collective. Namaste Light Fam!


The twin flame karmic relationship is oftentimes a necessary part of the twin flame awakening progress. The twin flame karmic relationship is orchestrated by the Universe to help raise the vibration of the lower aspects of your twin which is keeping that twin from acting in the best interests of the twin flame union. You may remember in my last video entitled "Divine Masculine (Why is your DM running?) I said that if you’re the more awakened twin of that yin and yang element, then your light will shine on the shadow aspects and bring to the surface the things that your twin doesn’t want to face or the things that your twin has repressed.  So the twin flame karmic relationship allows your twin to experience and live through being treated the way the lower vibrational aspects that are causing your twin to mistreat you. The twin flame karmic relationship ALLOWS YOUR TWIN TO BE ON THE RECEIVING END OF THEIR OWN SHADOW. Check out the video here for a more in depth analysis:

In addition the twin flamekarmic relationship gives the less awakened twin contrast, your twin quickly realizes and palpably feels that the connection with the karmic is definitely not the same as it is with you. There’s a huge difference in intensity, raw fire and magnetism with their karmic and this helps them have a new appreciation for you, which may cause them to be more fully committed. This can speed up the twin flame reunion because now they should be acting in the best interest for the highest good of the twin flame union.

But why does your twin need the karmic relationship to help them with their shadow work? Why do they have to go through the soul growth phase without your help, because frankly …you can’t help them. Why? Because if you’re the awaken twin, then your vibration is too high, it’s not a match to the lower vibrational aspects which your divine masculine twin flame needs to face and heal. As I said, your higher light may shine a light on those lower vibrational aspects, but your twin's karmic will cleanse that shadow because the karmic (which is going to be lower vibrational, otherwise the karmic wouldn’t be a match to your twin in the first place) is a match to the lower frequencies that your divine masculine needs to heal.

So let’s say your twin has an issue with self-love, he/she will attract someone that doesn’t know how to love themselves and sure the hell doesn’t know how to love your twin. Now your twin gets to experience what being mistreated and being on the receiving end of that lower vibrational energy feels like. And this is an experience you’re not really able to give to your twin authentically (I know you guys out there are like “oh I’ll show him what being mistreated is all about”) yes you can of course, but that’s not who you really are, that’s not your real energy, it’s not authentic because you’re on a higher vibration. So the karmic is able to give your twin the level of energy your twin is putting out. The Karmic is able to give your twin back his/her own shadow.

Now, I know that it’s painful, but you don’t want your tfwin flame during this time. Why, because they will be mistreating you. Your twin flame, like anybody in your life, can only treat you to level of their weakest link  VIBRATIONALLY. If they have a self-love issue, how can you expect them to love you the way you deserve to be loved? If they have a self-worth issue, how can you expect them to value you in alignment with your true divinity when they can’t even see their own divinity? So understand the karmic relationship is tuning your divine masculine twin flame up so that they can act in the highest good for the twin flame union when the tfwin flame reunion happens.

Now,on a side-note, don’t one of these “girl don’t worry about him, karma is going to take care of his ass” No, karma is not going to "take care of his ass". Stop it, if you’re waiting on karma to be your hit man, then your intentions are revenge and you have not healed.  Don’t get stuck in this 3D dualistic mindset of “Oh I’m okay, Karma’s got my back” No, karma does not have your back. Stop using karma as a scapegoat for your unhealed ego. Stop and give yourself credit for being the more spiritually evolved twin and take solace in the fact that the karmic relationship is cleaning up your divine masculine twin flame so that the life mission that you and your twin flame decided upon before incarnation can come to fruition which hopefully starts when that glorious twin flame reunion happens. Namaste Light Fam and I love you guys!!!


There are many perspectives out there in regard to what The Great Awakening actually is. In my last video, I asked the question of the day which was “what is your perspective of The Great Awakening?” I received a few comments on the video, as well as some answers over on Instagram. The main theme of my community’s answer is that The Great Awakening is waking to the fact that we are spiritual beings having a temporary physical experience.  I would definitely agree with the community’s perspective.

Waking up to the realization that you are a spiritual being makes you quickly see that you were meant for great things. Things greater than just stressing out over bills and making someone else rich by working for them.

The great awakening is waking up from the illusion that you’re not meant for greatness, waking up from the lie that you’re powerless. You’re waking up from the false narrative that following your dreams isn’t reality, that you have to stay stuck in a job you hate. The Great Awakening is waking up from the bad dream that you’re just here to consume, pay bills and die with your dreams still in your heart. The Great Awakening is about more people following their heart. As the great poet and philosopher Rumi once said “your heart knows the way, run in that direction”-Rumi

With the current situation that is happening in the world right now, maybe you’ve been given a reset point to follow your dreams. Don’t you believe that you need to do something different (take action in a different direction) to experience something different? Would looking for a new job in the same industry that you hate, just be following the same programming that had you hating your job before all of this began? When I lost my business during the global crisis of 2008, my brain went into "employee mode". My programming was "get job, get job, find security". Then, I stopped and realized that I will always have a "job" if a "job" is the only thing I'm looking for. I am an entrepreneur. I love freedom. So I started working on my own business while paying the bills as an employee for someone else. Until one day, my business was successful enough that I could work full time for myself.

Now, I understand that some of you have big obligations like a spouse and kids to support, so if you have to take the same job to pay the immediate bills, then definitely do so. But what if you took baby steps to build that business that you’re passionate about?

I’m purposely planting seeds here because this might be your shot to not follow the same program that will guarantee the same outcome that you don’t want. The Great Awakening is about taking a different action today to produce a different and better future for yourself. Even if you take baby steps, the universe will match your effort times 5!!

What if you’re an expert in the field you’ve always been in? Why not find a way to do that business yourself (get paid directly) instead of getting paid through a company and letting them take the lion's share of your hard work?

I believe the great awakening is waking up to your own authenticity. I believe that when people don't live authentically, that is the root of being unhappy. Being unhappy will lead to stress, which can lead to an array of health problems. When you start living your life unapologetically authentic, you will be happy. You will treat others better because you’re not going to feel in competition or jealous with others.

So this is the great shift, the great awakening because when more people shift into living their dreams and living authentically, the collective as a whole will be on a higher level of consciousness. We’ll be further away from ego-based thinking, why? Because more people will be happy with what they have and competition as well as scarcity goes out the window.

Namaste Light Fam!!!:)